found 7zip in C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe if exist E:\buildsystem\ del E:\buildsystem\ rem cd rem nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\mapserver.opt rem cd E:\buildsystem rem cd src\gdal-vc16x64 rem nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\gdal.opt nmake gdal NO_BUILD=YES found 7zip in C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe if exist E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt del E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo zlib - v1.2.11 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo swig - 1.3.39 > E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo python - Python37-AMD64 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo GDAL_ROOT=E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo GEOS_DIR=E:\buildsystem\src\geos >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo GEOS_CFLAGS=-IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include -DHAVE_GEOS >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo GEOS_LIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\geos_c.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo geos - 3.9.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo MSVC_VER=1928 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo WIN64=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo SETARGV="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\lib\x64\setargv.obj" >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo PG_INC_DIR = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo PG_LIB = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libpq.lib wsock32.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo libpq - REL_13_1 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_191x64 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo ANT_HOME=C:\Programs\apache-ant-1.7.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo CURL_DIR= E:\buildsystem\src\curl >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo CURL_INC = -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo CURL_LIB = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libcurl_imp.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo libcurl - curl-7_74_0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo openssl - OpenSSL_1_1_1i >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo SQLITE_INC=-IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include -DHAVE_SPATIALITE -DSPATIALITE_AMALGAMATION >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo SQLITE_LIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\sqlite3.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\spatialite_i.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo SQLITE_HAS_COLUMN_METADATA=yes >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo sqlite - 3.34.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo spatialite - libspatialite-5.0.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo iconv - libiconv-1.16 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo librttopo - librttopo-1.1.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo freexl - freexl-1.0.6 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo MYSQL_INC_DIR=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo MYSQL_LIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libmysql.lib advapi32.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo mysql - mysql-cluster-7.6.14 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo XERCES_DIR=E:\buildsystem\src\xerces >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo XERCES_INCLUDE=-IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include\xercesc >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo XERCES_LIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\xerces-c_3.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo xerces - Xerces-C_3_2_2 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo ILI_ENABLED = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo EXPAT_DIR=E:\buildsystem\ >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo EXPAT_INCLUDE=-IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo EXPAT_LIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libexpat.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo expat - R_2_2_10 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo OGDIDIR=E:\buildsystem\src\ogdi >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo OGDI_INCLUDE=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo OGDILIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\ogdi.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo ogdi - ogdi_4_1_0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo LIBKML_DIR=E:\buildsystem\src\libkml >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo LIBKML_INCLUDE=-IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo LIBKML_LIBS=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\kmlbase.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\kmlconvenience.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\kmldom.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\kmlengine.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\kmlregionator.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\kmlxsd.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libexpat.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\zlib.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\uriparser.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\minizip.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo boost - boost-1.75.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo kml - 1.3.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo POPPLER_ENABLED = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo POPPLER_CFLAGS = -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include\poppler >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo POPPLER_MAJOR_VERSION = 0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo POPPLER_MINOR_VERSION = 89 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo POPPLER_LIBS = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\poppler.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\freetype.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\harfbuzz.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libpng16_static.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo poppler - poppler-0.89.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo OPENJPEG_ENABLED = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo OPENJPEG_CFLAGS = -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include\openjpeg-2.4 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo OPENJPEG_LIB = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\openjp2.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo openjpeg - v2.4.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo TIFF_INC=-IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo TIFF_LIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\tiff.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo TIFF_OPTS=-DBIGTIFF_SUPPORT >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo libtiff - v4.2.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo AMIGOCLOUD_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo INCLUDE_GNM_FRMTS=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo cfitsio - cfitsio-3.49 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo hdf5 - hdf5-1_12_0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo szip - szip-2.1.1 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo kealib - kealib-1.4.14 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo hdf4 - hdf-4.2.13 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo ecw - ERDAS ECW JPEG 2000 SDK 5.5.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo filegdb - FileGDB_API_1_5_1-VS2017 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo mrsid - MrSID_DSDK- >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo oracle - instantclient_12_2-x64 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo netcdf - v4.7.4 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt echo PROJ_INCLUDE = -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include\proj7 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo PROJ_LIBRARY = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\proj.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt echo proj - 7.2.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\gdal_deps.txt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt call clean_main_build_output.bat E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal_i.lib del gdal_i.lib E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal302.dll del gdal302.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal302.dll.manifest del gdal302.dll.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist *.ilk del *.ilk if exist E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gdal302.pdb del E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gdal302.pdb cd port nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj *.lib cpl_config.h dllbuild.prev cd .. cd gcore nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj *.res del gdal_version.h cd mdreader nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. cd .. cd alg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. cd frmts nmake /nologo /f clean del o\*.obj *.obj for %d in ( jpeg ceos aigrid elas hfa gtiff sdts raw gxf ceos2 png dted mem jdem gif esric envisat aaigrid usgsdem l1b fit vrt xpm bmp rmf nitf pcidsk airsar rs2 ilwis msgn rik pcraster leveller sgi srtmhgt idrisi jaxapalsar ers ingr dimap gff terragen gsg cosar pds adrg coasp tsx blx til r northwood saga xyz hf2 kmlsuperoverlay ozi ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid iris map cals safe sentinel2 derived prf sigdem ignfheightasciigrid tga stacta postgisraster bsb openjpeg pdf grib wcs wms plmosaic wmts rda eeda daas ogcapi rasterlite mbtiles arg mrf ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jpeg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libjpeg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.lib del *.obj cd .. cd libjpeg12 nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.c del *.h cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ceos && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd aigrid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd elas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd hfa && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.exe del *.ilk del *.exp del *.lib del *.pdb del *.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gtiff && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj libtiff\*.obj libgeotiff\*.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sdts && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.exe del *.lib E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd raw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gxf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ceos2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd png && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libpng nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd dted && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd mem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jdem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gif && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd giflib nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd esric && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.ilk E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd envisat && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd aaigrid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd usgsdem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd l1b && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd fit && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd vrt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd xpm && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd bmp && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rmf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd nitf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pcidsk && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del pcidskdataset2.obj ogrpcidsklayer.obj vsi_pcidsk_io.obj gdal_edb.obj sdk\channel\cbandinterleavedchannel.obj sdk\channel\cpcidskchannel.obj sdk\channel\cpixelinterleavedchannel.obj sdk\channel\ctiledchannel.obj sdk\channel\cexternalchannel.obj sdk\core\cpcidskfile.obj sdk\core\libjpeg_io.obj sdk\core\edb_pcidsk.obj sdk\core\metadataset_p.obj sdk\core\pcidskbuffer.obj sdk\core\pcidskcreate.obj sdk\core\pcidskexception.obj sdk\core\pcidskinterfaces.obj sdk\core\pcidskopen.obj sdk\core\pcidsk_pubutils.obj sdk\core\pcidsk_utils.obj sdk\core\sysvirtualfile.obj sdk\core\clinksegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskgeoref.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskpct.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsksegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskvectorsegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskvectorsegment_consistencycheck.obj sdk\segment\vecsegheader.obj sdk\segment\vecsegdataindex.obj sdk\segment\metadatasegment_p.obj sdk\segment\sysblockmap.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskrpcmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskgcp2segment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskbitmap.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsk_tex.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskapmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsktoutinmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskbinarysegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsk_array.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskephemerissegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskads40model.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd airsar && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rs2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ilwis && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd msgn && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rik && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pcraster && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libcsf nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd leveller && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sgi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd srtmhgt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd idrisi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jaxapalsar && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ers && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ingr && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd dimap && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gff && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd terragen && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gsg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd cosar && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pds && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd adrg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd coasp && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd tsx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd blx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd til && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd r && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd northwood && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd saga && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd xyz && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd hf2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd kmlsuperoverlay && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.ilk E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ozi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ctg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd e00grid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd zmap && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ngsgeoid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd iris && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd map && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd cals && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd safe && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sentinel2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd derived && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd prf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sigdem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ignfheightasciigrid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd tga && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd stacta && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd postgisraster && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd bsb && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd openjpeg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pdf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd grib && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del degrib\degrib\*.obj del degrib\g2clib\*.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd wcs && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd wms && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd plmosaic && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd wmts && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rda && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd eeda && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd daas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ogcapi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rasterlite && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd mbtiles && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd arg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd mrf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.exe cd LERCV1 nmake /f clean del ..\LERCV1.obj Lerc1Image.obj cd .. for %d in ( ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 cd iso8211 nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.exe del *.dll del *.lib del *.manifest del *.exp cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f allclean del *.obj del *.lib del *.pdb del *.ilk cd ogrsf_frmts nmake /nologo /f clean del ogrsf_frmts.lib del ogrsf_frmts_sup.lib for %d in ( generic geojson shape ntf sdts tiger s57 dgn mitab gml avc rec mem vrt csv gmt bna kml gpx geoconcept xplane georss gtm dxf pgdump gpsbabel sua openair pds htf aeronavfaa edigeo svg idrisi arcgen segukooa segy sxf openfilegdb wasp selafin jml vdv mvt flatgeobuf mapml ogdi pg odbc pgeo mssqlspatial geomedia db2 walk sqlite mysql ili nas libkml wfs couchdb cloudant ods xlsx lvbag elastic gpkg osm vfk carto plscenes csw gmlas cad ngw amigocloud ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd generic && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd geojson && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 cd libjson nmake /nologo /f clean del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb cd .. del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd shape && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ntf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd sdts && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd tiger && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd s57 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd dgn && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mitab && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd avc && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd rec && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd vrt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd csv && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gmt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd bna && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd kml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gpx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd geoconcept && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd xplane && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd georss && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gtm && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd dxf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd pgdump && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gpsbabel && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd sua && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd openair && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd pds && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd htf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd aeronavfaa && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd edigeo && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd svg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd idrisi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd arcgen && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd segukooa && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd segy && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd sxf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd openfilegdb && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd wasp && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd selafin && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd jml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd vdv && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mvt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd flatgeobuf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mapml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ogdi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd pg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb *.exp del *.exe del *.dll del *.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd odbc && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd pgeo && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mssqlspatial && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb *.exp del *.exe del *.dll del *.manifest del plugin\*.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd geomedia && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd db2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd walk && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd sqlite && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mysql && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ili && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd nas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd libkml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd wfs && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd couchdb && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd cloudant && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ods && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd xlsx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd lvbag && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd elastic && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gpkg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd osm && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd vfk && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd carto && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd plscenes && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd csw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gmlas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd cad && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 cd libopencad nmake /nologo /f clean cd dwg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb cd .. del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb cd .. del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ngw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd amigocloud && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.tlh cd .. cd .. cd third_party nmake /nologo /f clean del third_party.lib del o\*.obj for %d in ( LercLib ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\third_party>cd LercLib && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f allclean del *.obj del *.lib del *.pdb del *.ilk cd gnm_frmts nmake /nologo /f clean del o\*.obj *.obj for %d in ( file db ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gnm\gnm_frmts>cd file && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gnm\gnm_frmts>cd db && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb cd .. cd .. cd apps nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.exe del *.pdb del *.ilk del *.lib del *.manifest del *.exp cd .. cd swig nmake /nologo /f clean del setup.ini cd csharp nmake /nologo /f clean cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.c del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. del gdal_i.lib del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.lib del *.mdb del *.exe del *.manifest del *.json rd /q /s Data del apps\*.csproj del *.dll del *.pdb del *.exe del *.json rd /q /s apps\obj del template.csproj del cd .. cd python if exist build\nul rmdir /S /Q build cd .. cd java nmake /nologo /f clean if exist org rmdir /s /q org if exist build rmdir /s /q build cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. del gdal.jar del *.dll del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.snk del *.cs del *.cpp del *.lib del *.dll.manifest cd .. cd .. del gdal*.dll cd swig nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt del setup.ini cd csharp nmake /nologo /f clean cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.c del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. del gdal_i.lib del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.lib del *.mdb del *.exe del *.manifest del *.json rd /q /s Data del apps\*.csproj del *.dll del *.pdb del *.exe del *.json rd /q /s apps\obj del template.csproj del cd .. cd python if exist build\nul rmdir /S /Q build cd .. cd java nmake /nologo /f clean if exist org rmdir /s /q org if exist build rmdir /s /q build cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. del gdal.jar del *.dll del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.snk del *.cs del *.cpp del *.lib del *.dll.manifest cd .. cd .. cd E:\buildsystem nmake gdalpluginlibs NO_BUILD=YES found 7zip in C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_oci.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo OCI_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_oci.opt echo OCI_LIB = E:\builds\Oracle\instantclient_12_2-x64\sdk\lib\msvc\oci.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\zlib.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_oci.opt echo OCI_INCLUDE = -IE:\builds\Oracle\instantclient_12_2-x64\sdk\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_oci.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\oci nmake /f clean del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe del *.dll del *.manifest cd E:\buildsystem cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\georaster nmake /f clean del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.manifest cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo MRSID_DIR=E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK- >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt echo MRSID_RDLLBUILD = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt echo MRSID_LDLLBUILD = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt echo MRSID_INCLUDE=-I"E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK\include" -I"E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK\include" >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt echo MRSID_LIB="E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK\lib\lti_lidar_dsdk.lib" "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK\lib\lti_dsdk.lib" advapi32.lib user32.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt echo MRSID_PLUGIN = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt echo MRSID_RASTER_DIR = E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK MRSID_RASTER_DIR = E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK echo MRSID_RVER = 800 MRSID_RVER = 800 echo MRSID_JP2 = YES MRSID_JP2 = YES echo MRSID_ESDK = NO MRSID_ESDK = NO echo MRSID_RDLLBUILD = YES MRSID_RDLLBUILD = YES echo MRSID_LIDAR_DIR = E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK MRSID_LIDAR_DIR = E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK echo MRSID_LVER = 111 MRSID_LVER = 111 echo MRSID_LDLLBUILD = YES MRSID_LDLLBUILD = YES echo MRSID_CONFIG = Release_md MRSID_CONFIG = Release_md echo MRSID_FLAGS = -DMRSID_LVER=111 -DMRSID_RVER=800 -DMRSID_J2K MRSID_FLAGS = -DMRSID_LVER=111 -DMRSID_RVER=800 -DMRSID_J2K echo MRSID_INCLUDE = -I"E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK\include" -I"E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK\include" MRSID_INCLUDE = -I"E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK\include" -I"E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK\include" echo MRSID_LIB = "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK\lib\lti_lidar_dsdk.lib" "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK\lib\lti_dsdk.lib" MRSID_LIB = "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK\lib\lti_lidar_dsdk.lib" "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK\lib\lti_dsdk.lib" echo MRSID_DLL = "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK\lib\lti_dsdk_9.5.dll" MRSID_DLL = "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Raster_DSDK\lib\lti_dsdk_9.5.dll" echo LIDAR_DLL = "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK\lib\lti_lidar_dsdk_1.1.dll" LIDAR_DLL = "E:\buildsystem\support\mrsid\MrSID_DSDK-\Lidar_DSDK\lib\lti_lidar_dsdk_1.1.dll" cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\mrsid nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.manifest cd E:\buildsystem cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\mrsid_lidar nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mrsid.opt del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.manifest cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo PDF_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt echo POPPLER_ENABLED = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt echo POPPLER_CFLAGS = -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include\poppler >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt echo POPPLER_HAS_OPTCONTENT = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt echo POPPLER_MAJOR_VERSION = 0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt echo POPPLER_MINOR_VERSION = 89 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt echo POPPLER_BASE_STREAM_HAS_TWO_ARGS = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt echo POPPLER_LIBS = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\poppler.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\freetype.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\harfbuzz.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libpng16_static.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libjpeg.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\tiff.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\openjp2.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\zlib.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_pdf.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\pdf nmake /f clean del *.obj cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf4.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo HDF4_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf4.opt echo HDF4_DIR = E:\buildsystem\src\hdf4\vc16x64\install >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf4.opt echo HDF4_LIB = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\hdf.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\mfhdf.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf4.opt echo HDF4_INCLUDE = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include\hdf4 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf4.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\hdf4 nmake /f clean del *.obj cd hdf-eos nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf5.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo HDF5_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf5.opt echo HDF5_DIR = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf5.opt echo HDF5_LIB = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libhdf5.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libhdf5_cpp.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\zlib.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\szip.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_hdf5.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\hdf5 nmake /f clean del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_kea.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo KEA_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_kea.opt echo KEA_LIB = E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libkea.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libhdf5.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\libhdf5_cpp.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\zlib.lib E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\szip.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_kea.opt echo KEA_CFLAGS = -IE:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_kea.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\kea nmake /f clean del *.obj cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_netcdf.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo NETCDF_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_netcdf.opt echo NETCDF_SETTING=yes >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_netcdf.opt echo NETCDF_LIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\netcdf.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_netcdf.opt echo NETCDF_INC_DIR=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_netcdf.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\netcdf nmake /f clean del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_fits.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo FITS_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_fits.opt echo FITS_INC_DIR=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_fits.opt echo FITS_LIB=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\lib\cfitsio.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_fits.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\fits nmake /f clean del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest cd E:\buildsystem cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt call clean_main_build_output.bat E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal_i.lib del gdal_i.lib E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal302.dll del gdal302.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal302.dll.manifest del gdal302.dll.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist *.ilk del *.ilk if exist E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gdal302.pdb del E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gdal302.pdb cd port nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj *.lib cpl_config.h dllbuild.prev cd .. cd gcore nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj *.res del gdal_version.h cd mdreader nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. cd .. cd alg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. cd frmts nmake /nologo /f clean del o\*.obj *.obj for %d in ( jpeg ceos aigrid elas hfa gtiff sdts raw gxf ceos2 png dted mem jdem gif esric envisat aaigrid usgsdem l1b fit vrt xpm bmp rmf nitf pcidsk airsar rs2 ilwis msgn rik pcraster leveller sgi srtmhgt idrisi jaxapalsar ers ingr dimap gff terragen gsg cosar pds adrg coasp tsx blx til r northwood saga xyz hf2 kmlsuperoverlay ozi ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid iris map cals safe sentinel2 derived prf sigdem ignfheightasciigrid tga stacta postgisraster bsb openjpeg pdf grib wcs wms plmosaic wmts rda eeda daas ogcapi rasterlite mbtiles arg mrf ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jpeg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libjpeg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.lib del *.obj cd .. cd libjpeg12 nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.c del *.h cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ceos && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd aigrid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd elas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd hfa && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.exe del *.ilk del *.exp del *.lib del *.pdb del *.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gtiff && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj libtiff\*.obj libgeotiff\*.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sdts && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.exe del *.lib E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd raw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gxf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ceos2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd png && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libpng nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd dted && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd mem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jdem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gif && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd giflib nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd esric && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.ilk E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd envisat && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd aaigrid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd usgsdem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd l1b && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd fit && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd vrt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd xpm && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd bmp && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rmf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd nitf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pcidsk && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del pcidskdataset2.obj ogrpcidsklayer.obj vsi_pcidsk_io.obj gdal_edb.obj sdk\channel\cbandinterleavedchannel.obj sdk\channel\cpcidskchannel.obj sdk\channel\cpixelinterleavedchannel.obj sdk\channel\ctiledchannel.obj sdk\channel\cexternalchannel.obj sdk\core\cpcidskfile.obj sdk\core\libjpeg_io.obj sdk\core\edb_pcidsk.obj sdk\core\metadataset_p.obj sdk\core\pcidskbuffer.obj sdk\core\pcidskcreate.obj sdk\core\pcidskexception.obj sdk\core\pcidskinterfaces.obj sdk\core\pcidskopen.obj sdk\core\pcidsk_pubutils.obj sdk\core\pcidsk_utils.obj sdk\core\sysvirtualfile.obj sdk\core\clinksegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskgeoref.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskpct.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsksegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskvectorsegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskvectorsegment_consistencycheck.obj sdk\segment\vecsegheader.obj sdk\segment\vecsegdataindex.obj sdk\segment\metadatasegment_p.obj sdk\segment\sysblockmap.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskrpcmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskgcp2segment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskbitmap.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsk_tex.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskapmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsktoutinmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskbinarysegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsk_array.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskephemerissegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskads40model.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd airsar && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rs2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ilwis && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd msgn && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rik && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pcraster && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libcsf nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd leveller && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sgi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd srtmhgt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd idrisi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jaxapalsar && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ers && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ingr && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. 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*.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mysql && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ili && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd nas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd libkml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd wfs && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd couchdb && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd cloudant && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ods && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd xlsx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd lvbag && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd elastic && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gpkg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd osm && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd vfk && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd carto && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd plscenes && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd csw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gmlas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd cad && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 cd libopencad nmake /nologo /f clean cd dwg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb cd .. del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb cd .. del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ngw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd amigocloud && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.tlh cd .. cd .. cd third_party nmake /nologo /f clean del third_party.lib del o\*.obj for %d in ( LercLib ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\third_party>cd LercLib && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f allclean del *.obj del *.lib del *.pdb del *.ilk cd gnm_frmts nmake /nologo /f clean del o\*.obj *.obj for %d in ( file db ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gnm\gnm_frmts>cd file && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gnm\gnm_frmts>cd db && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb cd .. cd .. cd apps nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.exe del *.pdb del *.ilk del *.lib del *.manifest del *.exp cd .. cd swig nmake /nologo /f clean del setup.ini cd csharp nmake /nologo /f clean cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.c del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. del gdal_i.lib del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.lib del *.mdb del *.exe del *.manifest del *.json rd /q /s Data del apps\*.csproj del *.dll del *.pdb del *.exe del *.json rd /q /s apps\obj del template.csproj del cd .. cd python if exist build\nul rmdir /S /Q build cd .. cd java nmake /nologo /f clean if exist org rmdir /s /q org if exist build rmdir /s /q build cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. del gdal.jar del *.dll del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.snk del *.cs del *.cpp del *.lib del *.dll.manifest cd .. cd .. del gdal*.dll cd swig nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt del setup.ini cd csharp nmake /nologo /f clean cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.c del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. del gdal_i.lib del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.lib del *.mdb del *.exe del *.manifest del *.json rd /q /s Data del apps\*.csproj del *.dll del *.pdb del *.exe del *.json rd /q /s apps\obj del template.csproj del cd .. cd python if exist build\nul rmdir /S /Q build cd .. cd java nmake /nologo /f clean if exist org rmdir /s /q org if exist build rmdir /s /q build cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. del gdal.jar del *.dll del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.snk del *.cs del *.cpp del *.lib del *.dll.manifest cd .. cd .. cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_ecw.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo ECW_PLUGIN = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_ecw.opt echo ECWDIR=E:\buildsystem\support\ECWSDK\ERDAS ECW JPEG 2000 SDK 5.5.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_ecw.opt echo ECWLIB="E:\buildsystem\support\ECWSDK\ERDAS ECW JPEG 2000 SDK 5.5.0\lib\vc141\x64\NCSEcw.lib" >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_ecw.opt echo ECWFLAGS= /DECWSDK_VERSION=55 "-IE:\buildsystem\support\ECWSDK\ERDAS ECW JPEG 2000 SDK 5.5.0\include" "-IE:\buildsystem\support\ECWSDK\ERDAS ECW JPEG 2000 SDK 5.5.0\include\NCSECW\api" "-IE:\buildsystem\support\ECWSDK\ERDAS ECW JPEG 2000 SDK 5.5.0\include\NCSECW\jp2" "-IE:\buildsystem\support\ECWSDK\ERDAS ECW JPEG 2000 SDK 5.5.0\include\NCSECW\ecw" >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_ecw.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts\ecw nmake /f clean del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.exe cd E:\buildsystem cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\pg nmake /f clean del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb *.exp del *.exe del *.dll del *.manifest cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_filegdb.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo FGDB_ENABLED = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_filegdb.opt echo FGDB_PLUGIN = YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_filegdb.opt echo FGDB_SDK = E:\buildsystem\support\FileGDB_API_1_5_1-VS2017 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_filegdb.opt echo FGDB_INC = E:\buildsystem\support\FileGDB_API_1_5_1-VS2017\include >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_filegdb.opt echo FGDB_LIB = E:\buildsystem\support\FileGDB_API_1_5_1-VS2017\lib64\FileGDBAPI.lib >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_filegdb.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\filegdb nmake /f clean del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.tlh cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_amigocloud.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo AMIGOCLOUD_PLUGIN=YES >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_amigocloud.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\amigocloud nmake /f clean del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.tlh cd E:\buildsystem copy /Y E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mssql.opt 1 file(s) copied. echo SQLNCLI_VERSION = 11 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mssql.opt echo SQLNCLI_DIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\SDK >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mssql.opt echo SQLNCLI_LIB = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\SDK\Lib\x64\sqlncli11.lib" >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mssql.opt echo SQLNCLI_INCLUDE = "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\SDK\Include" -DSQLNCLI_VERSION=11 -DMSSQL_BCP_SUPPORTED=1 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal_mssql.opt cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\mssqlspatial nmake /f clean del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb *.exp del *.exe del *.dll del *.manifest del plugin\*.obj cd E:\buildsystem nmake ms NO_BUILD=YES found 7zip in C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe cd src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt call clean_main_build_output.bat E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal_i.lib del gdal_i.lib E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal302.dll del gdal302.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist gdal302.dll.manifest del gdal302.dll.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal>if exist *.ilk del *.ilk if exist E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gdal302.pdb del E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gdal302.pdb cd port nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj *.lib cpl_config.h dllbuild.prev cd .. cd gcore nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj *.res del gdal_version.h cd mdreader nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. cd .. cd alg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. cd frmts nmake /nologo /f clean del o\*.obj *.obj for %d in ( jpeg ceos aigrid elas hfa gtiff sdts raw gxf ceos2 png dted mem jdem gif esric envisat aaigrid usgsdem l1b fit vrt xpm bmp rmf nitf pcidsk airsar rs2 ilwis msgn rik pcraster leveller sgi srtmhgt idrisi jaxapalsar ers ingr dimap gff terragen gsg cosar pds adrg coasp tsx blx til r northwood saga xyz hf2 kmlsuperoverlay ozi ctg e00grid zmap ngsgeoid iris map cals safe sentinel2 derived prf sigdem ignfheightasciigrid tga stacta postgisraster bsb openjpeg pdf grib wcs wms plmosaic wmts rda eeda daas ogcapi rasterlite mbtiles arg mrf ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jpeg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libjpeg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.lib del *.obj cd .. cd libjpeg12 nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.c del *.h cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ceos && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd aigrid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd elas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd hfa && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.exe del *.ilk del *.exp del *.lib del *.pdb del *.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gtiff && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj libtiff\*.obj libgeotiff\*.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sdts && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.exe del *.lib E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd raw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gxf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ceos2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd png && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libpng nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd dted && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd mem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jdem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gif && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd giflib nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd esric && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.ilk E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd envisat && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd aaigrid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd usgsdem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd l1b && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd fit && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd vrt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd xpm && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd bmp && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rmf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd nitf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pcidsk && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del pcidskdataset2.obj ogrpcidsklayer.obj vsi_pcidsk_io.obj gdal_edb.obj sdk\channel\cbandinterleavedchannel.obj sdk\channel\cpcidskchannel.obj sdk\channel\cpixelinterleavedchannel.obj sdk\channel\ctiledchannel.obj sdk\channel\cexternalchannel.obj sdk\core\cpcidskfile.obj sdk\core\libjpeg_io.obj sdk\core\edb_pcidsk.obj sdk\core\metadataset_p.obj sdk\core\pcidskbuffer.obj sdk\core\pcidskcreate.obj sdk\core\pcidskexception.obj sdk\core\pcidskinterfaces.obj sdk\core\pcidskopen.obj sdk\core\pcidsk_pubutils.obj sdk\core\pcidsk_utils.obj sdk\core\sysvirtualfile.obj sdk\core\clinksegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskgeoref.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskpct.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsksegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskvectorsegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskvectorsegment_consistencycheck.obj sdk\segment\vecsegheader.obj sdk\segment\vecsegdataindex.obj sdk\segment\metadatasegment_p.obj sdk\segment\sysblockmap.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskrpcmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskgcp2segment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskbitmap.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsk_tex.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskapmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsktoutinmodel.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskbinarysegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidsk_array.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskephemerissegment.obj sdk\segment\cpcidskads40model.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd airsar && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rs2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ilwis && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd msgn && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rik && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pcraster && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd libcsf nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd leveller && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sgi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd srtmhgt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd idrisi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd jaxapalsar && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ers && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ingr && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd dimap && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gff && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd terragen && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd gsg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd cosar && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pds && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd adrg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd coasp && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd tsx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd blx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd til && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd r && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd northwood && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd saga && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd xyz && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd hf2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd kmlsuperoverlay && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.ilk E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ozi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ctg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd e00grid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd zmap && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ngsgeoid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd iris && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd map && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd cals && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd safe && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sentinel2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd derived && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd prf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd sigdem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ignfheightasciigrid && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd tga && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd stacta && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd postgisraster && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd bsb && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd openjpeg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd pdf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd grib && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del degrib\degrib\*.obj del degrib\g2clib\*.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd wcs && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd wms && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd plmosaic && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd wmts && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rda && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd eeda && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd daas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd ogcapi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd rasterlite && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd mbtiles && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd arg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\frmts>cd mrf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.exe cd LERCV1 nmake /f clean del ..\LERCV1.obj Lerc1Image.obj cd .. for %d in ( ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 cd iso8211 nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.exe del *.dll del *.lib del *.manifest del *.exp cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f allclean del *.obj del *.lib del *.pdb del *.ilk cd ogrsf_frmts nmake /nologo /f clean del ogrsf_frmts.lib del ogrsf_frmts_sup.lib for %d in ( generic geojson shape ntf sdts tiger s57 dgn mitab gml avc rec mem vrt csv gmt bna kml gpx geoconcept xplane georss gtm dxf pgdump gpsbabel sua openair pds htf aeronavfaa edigeo svg idrisi arcgen segukooa segy sxf openfilegdb wasp selafin jml vdv mvt flatgeobuf mapml ogdi pg odbc pgeo mssqlspatial geomedia db2 walk sqlite mysql ili nas libkml wfs couchdb cloudant ods xlsx lvbag elastic gpkg osm vfk carto plscenes csw gmlas cad ngw amigocloud ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd generic && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd geojson && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 cd libjson nmake /nologo /f clean del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb cd .. del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd shape && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ntf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd sdts && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd tiger && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd s57 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd dgn && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mitab && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd avc && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd rec && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mem && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd vrt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd csv && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gmt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd bna && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd kml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gpx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd geoconcept && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd xplane && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd georss && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gtm && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd dxf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd pgdump && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gpsbabel && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd sua && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd openair && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd pds && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd htf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd aeronavfaa && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd edigeo && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd svg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd idrisi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd arcgen && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd segukooa && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd segy && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd sxf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd openfilegdb && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd wasp && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd selafin && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd jml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd vdv && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mvt && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd flatgeobuf && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mapml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ogdi && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd pg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb *.exp del *.exe del *.dll del *.manifest E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd odbc && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd pgeo && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mssqlspatial && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb *.exp del *.exe del *.dll del *.manifest del plugin\*.obj E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd geomedia && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd db2 && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd walk && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd sqlite && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd mysql && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ili && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd nas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd libkml && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.dll E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd wfs && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd couchdb && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd cloudant && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ods && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd xlsx && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd lvbag && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd elastic && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gpkg && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb del *.exe E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd osm && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd vfk && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd carto && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd plscenes && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd csw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd gmlas && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd cad && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 cd libopencad nmake /nologo /f clean cd dwg nmake /nologo /f clean del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb cd .. del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb cd .. del *.lib del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd ngw && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\ogr\ogrsf_frmts>cd amigocloud && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj del *.dll del *.exp del *.lib del *.manifest del *.pdb del *.tlh cd .. cd .. cd third_party nmake /nologo /f clean del third_party.lib del o\*.obj for %d in ( LercLib ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\third_party>cd LercLib && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f allclean del *.obj del *.lib del *.pdb del *.ilk cd gnm_frmts nmake /nologo /f clean del o\*.obj *.obj for %d in ( file db ) do cd %d && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gnm\gnm_frmts>cd file && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb E:\buildsystem\src\gdal-vc16x64\gdal\gnm\gnm_frmts>cd db && nmake /nologo /f clean && cd .. || exit 1 del *.obj *.pdb cd .. cd .. cd apps nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.exe del *.pdb del *.ilk del *.lib del *.manifest del *.exp cd .. cd swig nmake /nologo /f clean del setup.ini cd csharp nmake /nologo /f clean cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.c del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. del gdal_i.lib del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.lib del *.mdb del *.exe del *.manifest del *.json rd /q /s Data del apps\*.csproj del *.dll del *.pdb del *.exe del *.json rd /q /s apps\obj del template.csproj del cd .. cd python if exist build\nul rmdir /S /Q build cd .. cd java nmake /nologo /f clean if exist org rmdir /s /q org if exist build rmdir /s /q build cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. del gdal.jar del *.dll del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.snk del *.cs del *.cpp del *.lib del *.dll.manifest cd .. cd .. del gdal*.dll cd swig nmake /f clean EXT_NMAKE_OPT=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\build\gdal.opt del setup.ini cd csharp nmake /nologo /f clean cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.c del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp del *.csproj del *.json del *.dll del *.pdb rd /q /s obj cd .. del gdal_i.lib del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.lib del *.mdb del *.exe del *.manifest del *.json rd /q /s Data del apps\*.csproj del *.dll del *.pdb del *.exe del *.json rd /q /s apps\obj del template.csproj del cd .. cd python if exist build\nul rmdir /S /Q build cd .. cd java nmake /nologo /f clean if exist org rmdir /s /q org if exist build rmdir /s /q build cd gdal nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd ogr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd const nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd osr nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. cd gnm nmake /nologo /f clean del *.obj del *.cs del *.cpp cd .. del gdal.jar del *.dll del *.obj del *.exp del *.ilk del *.pdb del *.tlb del *.snk del *.cs del *.cpp del *.lib del *.dll.manifest cd .. cd .. cd E:\buildsystem set PATH=E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\\Extensions\Microsoft\IntelliCode\CLI;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.28.29333\bin\HostX64\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCPackages;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\bin\Roslyn;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Team Tools\Performance Tools\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Team Tools\Performance Tools;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Common\VSPerfCollectionTools\vs2019\\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Common\VSPerfCollectionTools\vs2019\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\x64\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\FSharp\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17763.0\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\\MSBuild\Current\Bin;C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ActiveTcl\bin;C:\Perl64\site\bin;C:\Perl64\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\;E:\app\szekeres\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0\;C:\Users\szekeres\.dnx\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft DNX\Dnvm\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2015 Power Tools\;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Network Monitor 3\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DTS\Binn\;;C:\Program Files\7-Zip;C:\Program Files (x86)\Certum\proCertum CardManager;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\;C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DTS\Binn\;C:\Strawberry\c\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\site\bin;C:\Strawberry\perl\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\;C:\Users\szekeres\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\szekeres\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\szekeres\AppData\Local\Programs\Fiddler;C:\Users\szekeres\.dotnet\tools;C:\Users\szekeres\.dotnet\tools;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\CMake\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\Ninja;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\Linux\bin\ConnectionManagerExe set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_191x64 set ORACLE_HOME=E:\builds\Oracle\instantclient_12_2-x64 set PYTHONPATH=E:\builds\Python37-AMD64 cd src\mapserver if exist vc16x64 rd /Q /S vc16x64 if not exist vc16x64 mkdir vc16x64 cd vc16x64 cd E:\buildsystem echo swig - 1.3.39 > E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo zlib - v1.2.11 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo jpeg - jpeg-9d >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo proj - 4.9.3 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo freetype - VER-2-10-4 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo harfbuzz - 2.7.4 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo geos - 3.9.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo gdal - master >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo fcgi - 2.4.2 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo fribidi - v1.0.10 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo giflib - 5.0.5 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo cairo - cairo-1.16.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo libsvg - libsvg-0.5.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo libsvg-cairo - libsvg-cairo-0.5.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo pixman - pixman-0.40.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo fontconfig - fontconfig-2.13.93 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo pgsql - REL_13_1 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo iconv - libiconv-1.16 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo libxml2 - v2.9.10 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo oracle - instantclient_12_2-x64 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo protobuf - v3.14.0 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt echo protobuf-c - v1.3.3 >> E:\buildsystem\release-1928-x64\doc\ms_deps.txt cd E:\buildsystem 7z a -tzip -xr!?git\ -xr!?svn\ E:\buildsystem\ src\mapserver src\gdal-vc16x64 7-Zip [64] 15.14 : Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Igor Pavlov : 2015-12-31 Scanning the drive: 946 folders, 12758 files, 221432231 bytes (212 MiB) Creating archive: E:\buildsystem\ Items to compress: 13704 Files read from disk: 12758 Archive size: 62194125 bytes (60 MiB) WARNINGS for files: src\mapserver\vc16\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeCache.txt : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CMakeCCompiler.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CMakeRCCompiler.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CMakeSystem.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\CompilerIdCXX.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\CompilerIdCXX.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CMakeCXXCompilerId.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CompilerIdCXX.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\CompilerIdCXX.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdCXX\Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\CMakeCCompilerId.c : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\CompilerIdC.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\CompilerIdC.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CMakeCCompilerId.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CompilerIdC.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\CompilerIdC.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\CompilerIdC\Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\Debug\VCTargetsPath.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\Debug\VCTargetsPath.tlog\VCTargetsPath.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\VCTargetsPath.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\3.17.3\VCTargetsPath.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\359947cc1d4d4e903ff5c35dea1ac5f9\generate.stamp.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\359947cc1d4d4e903ff5c35dea1ac5f9\INSTALL_force.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\6c12a788adaedee1fe0872b0c7daef76\INSTALL_force.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\9e0f0facc383f35c5b4b81204262a181\mapscriptlinting.stamp.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\9e0f0facc383f35c5b4b81204262a181\mapscripttests.stamp.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\9e0f0facc383f35c5b4b81204262a181\mapscriptvenv.stamp.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\9e0f0facc383f35c5b4b81204262a181\mapscriptwheel.stamp.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\cc4ca552ccd5f85c2184cb7b25ee39a6\INSTALL_force.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\cc4ca552ccd5f85c2184cb7b25ee39a6\pythonmapscript-wheel.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\cmake.check_cache : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\CMakeError.log : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\CMakeOutput.log : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\d3abf59b44b2b756bcbe2ea48bf29ebd\INSTALL_force.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\e2dba813433d33db665cbea188437b72\vector_tile.pb-c.c.rule : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\Export\E_\buildsystem\src\mapserver\vc16\install\CMake\mapserverTargets-debug.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\Export\E_\buildsystem\src\mapserver\vc16\install\CMake\mapserverTargets-minsizerel.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\Export\E_\buildsystem\src\mapserver\vc16\install\CMake\mapserverTargets-release.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\Export\E_\buildsystem\src\mapserver\vc16\install\CMake\mapserverTargets-relwithdebinfo.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\Export\E_\buildsystem\src\mapserver\vc16\install\CMake\mapserverTargets.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp.depend : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp.list : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\mapserver-config.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\CMakeFiles\TargetDirectories.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\cmake_install.cmake : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\INSTALL.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\INSTALL.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\legend.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.dir\Release\legend.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\legend.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\classObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\clusterObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp.depend : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\cmake_install.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\colorObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\CompositingFilter.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\CompositingOperation.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\DBFFieldType.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\DBFInfo.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\debugLevel.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\drawmap.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\drawmapDirect.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\drawmapDirectPrint.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\drawmapGDIPlus.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\drawquery.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\errorObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\fontSetObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\getbytes.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\hashTableObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\HTMLtemplate.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\imageObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\INSTALL.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\INSTALL.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\intarray.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\labelCacheMemberObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\labelCacheObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\labelCacheSlotObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\labelLeaderObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\labelObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\LayerCompositer.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\layerObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\legendObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\lineObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.dll.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\mapscript.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscript.tlog\mapscript.write.1u.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.dir\Release\mapscriptCSHARP_wrap.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.snk : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscriptCSHARP_wrap.c : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscriptPINVOKE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\mapscript_csharp.dll : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\markerCacheMemberObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_ALIGN_VALUE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_CAPS_JOINS_AND_CORNERS.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_CONNECTION_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_FILE_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_FONT_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_GEOS_OPERATOR.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_IMAGEMODE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_JOIN_CONNECTION_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_JOIN_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_LABEL_BINDING_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_LAYER_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_PARSE_TYPE_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_POSITIONS_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_QUERYMAP_STYLES.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_QUERY_MODE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_QUERY_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_RENDER_MODE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_REQUEST_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_RETURN_VALUE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_SHAPE_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_STYLE_BINDING_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_SYMBOL_TYPE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_TOKEN_BINDING_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_TOKEN_LOGICAL_ENUM.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_TRANSFORM_MODE.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\MS_UNITS.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\outputFormatObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\OWSRequest.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\pointObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\projectionObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\queryMapObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\rectObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\referenceMapObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\Release\mapscript.dll : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\Release\mapscript.exp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\Release\mapscript.lib : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\resultCacheObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\resultObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\RFC24.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\scalebarObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\scaleTokenEntryObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\scaleTokenObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\shapefileObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\shapeinfo.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\shapeObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\shpdump.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\styleObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\SWIGTYPE_p_double.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\SWIGTYPE_p_expressionObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\SWIGTYPE_p_int.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\SWIGTYPE_p_p_labelCacheMemberObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\SWIGTYPE_p_p_textSymbolObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\symbolObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\symbolSetObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\csharp\webObj.cs : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp.depend : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\cmake_install.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\classObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\clusterObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\colorObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\CompositingFilter.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\CompositingOperation.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\DBFFieldType.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\DBFInfo.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\debugLevel.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\errorObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\fontSetObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\hashTableObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\imageObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\intarray.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\labelCacheMemberObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\labelCacheObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\labelCacheSlotObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\labelLeaderObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\labelObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\LayerCompositer.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\layerObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\legendObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\lineObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\mapObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\mapscript.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\mapscriptConstants.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\mapscriptJAVA_wrap.c : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\mapscriptJNI.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\markerCacheMemberObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_ALIGN_VALUE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_CAPS_JOINS_AND_CORNERS.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_CONNECTION_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_FILE_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_FONT_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_GEOS_OPERATOR.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_IMAGEMODE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_JOIN_CONNECTION_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_JOIN_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_LABEL_BINDING_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_LAYER_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_PARSE_TYPE_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_POSITIONS_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_QUERYMAP_STYLES.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_QUERY_MODE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_QUERY_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_RENDER_MODE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_REQUEST_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_RETURN_VALUE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_SHAPE_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_STYLE_BINDING_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_SYMBOL_TYPE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_TOKEN_BINDING_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_TOKEN_COMPARISON_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_TOKEN_FUNCTION_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_TOKEN_LITERAL_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_TOKEN_LOGICAL_ENUM.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_TRANSFORM_MODE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\MS_UNITS.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\outputFormatObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\OWSRequest.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\pointObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\projectionObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\queryMapObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\rectObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\referenceMapObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\resultCacheObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\resultObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\scalebarObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\scaleTokenEntryObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\scaleTokenObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\shapefileObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\shapeObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\styleObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\SWIGTYPE_p_expressionObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\SWIGTYPE_p_FILE.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\SWIGTYPE_p_int.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\SWIGTYPE_p_p_char.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\SWIGTYPE_p_p_labelCacheMemberObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\SWIGTYPE_p_p_textSymbolObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\SWIGTYPE_p_void.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\symbolObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\symbolSetObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\webObj.class : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\edu\umn\gis\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\INSTALL.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\INSTALL.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.dll.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\javamapscript.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\javamapscript.write.1u.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\javamapscript.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.dir\Release\mapscriptJAVA_wrap.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\javamapscript.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\mapscript.jar : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\Release\javamapscript.dll : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\Release\javamapscript.exp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\java\Release\javamapscript.lib : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp.depend : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\CMakeFiles\_pythonmapscript.dir\mapscriptPYTHON_wrap.c : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\cmake_install.cmake : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Debug\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\INSTALL.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\INSTALL.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\MinSizeRel\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\pythonmapscript-wheel.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\pythonmapscript-wheel.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\cities.csv : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\fonts.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\home.png : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\line.dbf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\line.shp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\line.shx : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\point.dbf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\point.shp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\point.shx : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\polygon.dbf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\polygon.shp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\polygon.shx : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\raster.tfw : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\raster.tif : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\symbols.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\test.png : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\vera\COPYRIGHT.TXT : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\vera\README.TXT : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\vera\RELEASENOTES.TXT : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\vera\Vera.ttf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\vera\VeraBd.ttf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\data\xmarks.png : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\_mapscript.pyd : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\build\lib\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\dist\mapscript-7.7.0.win32-py3.7.msi : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript.egg-info\dependency_links.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript.egg-info\PKG-INFO : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript.egg-info\SOURCES.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript.egg-info\top_level.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\examples\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\cities.csv : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\fonts.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\home.png : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\line.dbf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\line.shp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\line.shx : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\makefile_postgis : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\point.dbf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\point.shp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\point.shx : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\polygon.dbf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\polygon.shp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\polygon.shx : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\raster.tfw : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\raster.tif : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\README : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\symbols.txt : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\test.png : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\vera\COPYRIGHT.TXT : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\vera\README.TXT : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\vera\RELEASENOTES.TXT : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\vera\Vera.ttf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\vera\VeraBd.ttf : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\data\xmarks.png : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\tests\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\_mapscript.pyd : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\mapscript\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\README.rst : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\_mapscript.exp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\_mapscript.lib : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\Release\_mapscript.pyd : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\RelWithDebInfo\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\mapscriptPYTHON_wrap.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_mapscript.pyd.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\_pythonmapscript.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.dir\Release\_pythonmapscript.tlog\_pythonmapscript.write.1u.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.vcxproj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapscript\python\_pythonmapscript.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.dir\Release\mapserv.tlog\mapserv.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserv.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver-config-version.cmake : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver-config.cmake : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver-config.h : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver-version.h : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_arc.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_curves.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_embedded_raster_fonts.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_font_freetype.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_line_aa_basics.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_trans_affine.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_vcgen_contour.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_vcgen_dash.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\agg_vcgen_stroke.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\cgiutil.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\classobject.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\clipper.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\fontcache.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\hittest.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\kerneldensity.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\layerobject.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\line.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapagg.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapbits.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapcairo.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapchart.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapcluster.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapcompositingfilter.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapcontext.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapcontour.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapcopy.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapcpl.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapcrypto.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapdebug.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapdraw.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapdrawgdal.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapdummyrenderer.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maperror.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapfile.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapgdal.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapgeomtransform.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapgeomutil.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapgeos.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapgml.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapgraticule.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maphash.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maphttp.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapiconv.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapimageio.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapimagemap.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapio.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapjoin.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapkml.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapkmlrenderer.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maplabel.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maplayer.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maplegend.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maplexer.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maplibxml2.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapmetadata.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapmvt.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapobject.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapogcfilter.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapogcfiltercommon.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapogcsld.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapogcsos.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapogr.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapogroutput.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maporaclespatial.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapoutput.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapows.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapowscommon.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapparser.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mappluginlayer.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mappool.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mappostgis.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mappostgresql.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapprimitive.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapproject.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapquantization.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapquery.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapraster.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maprasterquery.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapregex.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maprendering.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapresample.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapscale.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapsearch.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.dll.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\mapserver.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\mapserver.write.1u.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\rc.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapserver.tlog\rc.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapservutil.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapshape.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapsmoothing.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapstring.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapsymbol.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maptclutf.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maptemplate.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapthread.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maptile.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maptime.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maptree.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapunion.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maputfgrid.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\maputil.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapuvraster.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapv8.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwcs.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwcs11.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwcs20.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwfs.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwfs11.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwfs20.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwfslayer.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwms.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapwmslayer.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapxbase.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapxml.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\mapxmp.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\point.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\regex.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\shape.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\strptime.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\textlayout.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\v8_mapscript.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\vector_tile.pb-c.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.dir\Release\version.res : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\MapServer.sln : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserver.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\mapserverTargets.cmake : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.dir\Release\msencrypt.tlog\msencrypt.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msencrypt.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\mapmssql2008.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\msplugin_mssql2008.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin.6201E7F4.tlog\msplugin_mssql2008.write.1u.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.dir\Release\msplugin_mssql2008.dll.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_mssql2008.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\maporaclespatial.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.dll.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\msplugin_oracle.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.dir\Release\msplugin_oracle.tlog\msplugin_oracle.write.1u.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\msplugin_oracle.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\legend.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\mapserv.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\mapserver.dll : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\mapserver.exp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\mapserver.lib : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\msencrypt.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\msplugin_mssql2008.dll : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\msplugin_mssql2008.exp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\msplugin_mssql2008.lib : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\msplugin_oracle.dll : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\msplugin_oracle.exp : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\msplugin_oracle.lib : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\scalebar.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\shp2img.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\shptree.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\shptreetst.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\shptreevis.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\sortshp.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Release\tile4ms.exe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\renderers\mvt\vector_tile.pb-c.c : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\renderers\mvt\vector_tile.pb-c.h : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.dir\Release\scalebar.tlog\scalebar.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\scalebar.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.dir\Release\shp2img.tlog\shp2img.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shp2img.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.dir\Release\shptree.tlog\shptree.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptree.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.dir\Release\shptreetst.tlog\shptreetst.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreetst.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.dir\Release\shptreevis.tlog\shptreevis.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\shptreevis.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.dir\Release\sortshp.tlog\sortshp.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\sortshp.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.exe.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.obj : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\link.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\link.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.dir\Release\tile4ms.tlog\tile4ms.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\tile4ms.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\version.rc : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ALL_BUILD\ALL_BUILD.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ALL_BUILD\ALL_BUILD.tlog\ALL_BUILD.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ALL_BUILD\ALL_BUILD.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ALL_BUILD\ALL_BUILD.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ALL_BUILD\ALL_BUILD.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.recipe : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\CustomBuild.command.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\ : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\CustomBuild.write.1.tlog : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\Win32\Release\ZERO_CHECK\ZERO_CHECK.tlog\ZERO_CHECK.lastbuildstate : The system cannot find the path specified. src\mapserver\vc16\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj : The system cannot find the file specified. src\mapserver\vc16\ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj.filters : The system cannot find the file specified. ---------------- WARNING: Cannot open 871 files