Welcome to the GISInternals Support Site
This site have been created to provide daily build packages and software development kits for the GDAL and MapServer and the related projects under the terms of a free software license. The build system is maintained and developed by Tamas Szekeres.
For more information about the resources provided by this site, please refer to the documents section. You can also get up to date information about GISInternals by subscribing to my weblog.
The buildsystem provides the following resources to download:
- Stable Releases - Packages based on the current (official) MapServer and GDAL releases
- Stable Branches - Packages compiled daily based on the MapServer Git and GDAL SVN latest stable branches
- Development Versions - Packages compiled daily based on the MapServer Git (main) and GDAL Git (master)
- Development Kits - Support files to compile mapserver and gdal by yourself
- Archive Versions - Older MapServer/GDAL releases, based on previous compilations (not compiled regularly)
- MapServer MapManager - MapServer MapManager desktop application to configure map files