found 7zip in C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe cd nuget nuget pack GDAL.nuspec -version 3.4.1 Attempting to build package from 'GDAL.nuspec'. WARNING: NU5125: The 'licenseUrl' element will be deprecated. Consider using the 'license' element instead. WARNING: NU5127: This package does not contain a lib/ or ref/ folder, and will therefore be treated as compatible for all frameworks. Since framework specific files were found under the build/ directory for netstandard2.0, consider creating the following empty files to correctly narrow the compatibility of the package: -lib/netstandard2.0/_._ WARNING: NU5048: The 'PackageIconUrl'/'iconUrl' element is deprecated. Consider using the 'PackageIcon'/'icon' element instead. Learn more at Successfully created package 'E:\buildsystem\nuget\GDAL.3.4.1.nupkg'. nuget pack GDAL.Native.nuspec -version 3.4.1 Attempting to build package from 'GDAL.Native.nuspec'. WARNING: NU5125: The 'licenseUrl' element will be deprecated. Consider using the 'license' element instead. WARNING: NU5127: This package does not contain a lib/ or ref/ folder, and will therefore be treated as compatible for all frameworks. Since framework specific files were found under the build/ directory for netstandard2.0, consider creating the following empty files to correctly narrow the compatibility of the package: -lib/netstandard2.0/_._ WARNING: NU5048: The 'PackageIconUrl'/'iconUrl' element is deprecated. Consider using the 'PackageIcon'/'icon' element instead. Learn more at Successfully created package 'E:\buildsystem\nuget\GDAL.Native.3.4.1.nupkg'. nuget pack GDAL.Plugins.nuspec -version 3.4.1 Attempting to build package from 'GDAL.Plugins.nuspec'.